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Bernard Zuel is an educator and mentor on both sides of the microphone, providing media training for beginners to experienced public figures, and lecturing in journalism at Sydney University and, previously, Macleay College. He has been a guest lecturer in journalism and music at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS), Western Sydney University and Australian Institute of Music, conducted a course in criticism at the Sydney Writers’ Festival, and was a mentor with Information and Cultural Exchange (ICE).





Creating confidence in media presence and presentation by developing skills and techniques for all media environments.



Identifying and crafting a message.

Adapting that message for different platforms.

Holding to that message.



Examination of different media: their demands, expectations and methods.

Preparation: from research and rehearsal to the nitty gritty.

Interview techniques: individual and in groups.

Reading the room.

Presenting your case.



The media is not the enemy and there is no victory or defeat for anyone: learn to work with, use and adapt media for your purposes.


This website and its content is subject to copyright - © Bernard Zuel 2021. All rights reserved. Except as permitted by the copyright law applicable to you, you may not reproduce or communicate any of the content on this website without the permission of the copyright owner.

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