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Short and sweet on Kate Lush Band's Let It Fly


Let It Fly (

There’s a very good soul and R&B package here. The swing of Freddy King’s Pack It Up opens the album with a solid funkiness and Kate Lush adding a bit of strut to her vocals.

Then Lush’s own River Flow matches it, adding gospel-y backing voices to the mix. The flexibility of the musicians is evident in the looser feel of Yours Or My Way next to the rockier Stranded, the latter and High Time towards the end of the album suggesting to me there’s a power soul rock band itching to get out more here.

That Lush, who has written pretty much all tracks, has a voice that isn’t really roughened to the extent you might expect for songs like the powerful Come With Me and the pushing-through Somebody Like Me – more suited to the clearer balladry of I’ve Move On or the tempered blues of Good Good Love – isn’t a problem.

She carries it off and shows in Roll Over You that roughness isn’t needed anyway.

What would be interesting to see though is if they push more into the country soul of their cover of John Prine’s Angel From Montgomery. Now that looks promising.

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