Nov 13, 2018WHERE THE BOYS ARE: WIND BACK WEDNESDAY LEARNS FROM KYLIE MINOGUEFrom trumpets on high and murmurings on the wind, news has come that Australia’s biggest, brightest, longest-lasting and – yes – most...
Apr 7, 2018KYLIE MINOGUE – GOLDEN: REVIEWKYLIE MINOGUE Golden (Liberator) Kylie’s country album? Shoot me now. This is just a Kylie album. A very good Kylie album, mind. One that...
Dec 7, 2016WIND BACK WEDNESDAYThis is the time of year for retrospectives and retro-fitted attempts to make sense of it all. Since Wind Back Wednesday is nothing but...
Nov 22, 2016WIND BACK WEDNESDAYWind Back Wednesday was delayed due to technical difficulties (i.e. everything blew up and now there is only ruins and tears) but it is...